Introducing Laurel {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

I never take the privilege lightly when a family asks me to capture them over and over again. I have adored watching this family grow over the years and it was an honor to capture them as baby Laurel was welcomed into their family in September. Laurel’s newborn session took place on a cool, wet Fall morning, much like her older brother’s newborn session 23 months earlier. When I photographed older brother, Anderson’s newborn session, I was amazed at how laid back and calm they seemed as first time parents. This time around, the mood was even more calm and relaxed, even with an almost two year old. Anderson loves his sister and he didn’t seem to have the typical jealousy that you often see with little ones. He was so happy to love on her, hold her, kiss her, and hold her hand. It was the sweetest thing to witness. I don’t think I’ve ever taken so many sibling pictures at a newborn session before! I always make sure I get plenty of images of mom alone with baby and dad alone with baby. No matter whether it’s baby number one, baby number two, or baby number ten, these images are so important. one day, that baby will be an adult and will be so glad to see how much they were loved. Thank you again for allowing me to photograph your beautiful family. You guys are naturals and you are doing an amazing job.

Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photography
Seattle Lifestyle Photography
Everett Newborn Photography
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photography
Everett Newborn Photography
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Everett Newborn Photographer

Turn Your Snapshots into Art {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

Not everyone desires to be a photographer, but almost all mamas want to take beautiful pictures of their babies. Here are some of my favorite ways to photograph children in and around the house.

Photograph them sleeping

Depending on age, children are often on the go. It can be hard to keep them still for a picture. I love photographing children while they’re sleeping. It’s easier to do this if they still take daytime naps because you have more light to work with. I love to shoot through crib rails, directly above the bed, side on, I basically move all around until I find the angle I like best.

Seattle Family Photographer

Frame your kids

This is one of my favorite things to do to turn a boring picture into an interesting one. I love to shoot though doorways. It gives the illusion that you’re peeking in on them, as well as the doorway giving a pleasing framing effect.

Seattle Newborn Photographer

Find the pretty light

Light is so important in photography and no matter how your home looks, there is always beautiful light, you just need to search for it. My living room faces east, so I know I’m going to get beautiful sunrises in there. If you see pretty light but don’t know what to do with it, try moving an activity into that area, then sit back and see what they do.

Seattle Lifestyle Photographer

Capture their tiny details

Children go so quickly and before long, chubby hands, dimpled thighs and wispy baby hair will be no longer. Make sure you capture them before they disappear.

Seattle Family Photographer

Look for leading lines

Lines are one of the best ways to create a visually pleasing image. Lines can lead the eye directly to the subject, or in and out of a frame. There are lines all around us, and it can be fun to pay attention to them to try and direct your viewer to where you want them to look. This is a great way to start moving towards art, rather than snapshots.

Seattle Family Photography

An Incredibly Special Newborn Session {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

It is always such an honor when a family asks me to come back for another photography session. This family is special to me for a few reasons. Their second baby was my very first lifestyle newborn session. They were my first family session (last year) after the birth of my third boy. And lastly, they are a family with three adorable little boys, and families with three little boys will always hold a special place in my heart.

I adored photographing you all again H family and I hope all is continuing to go well as you adjust to life with three.

Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer

At Home with a Gorgeous Family of 4 {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

Some sessions leave me filled with so much happiness, and this sweet family session was definitely one of those. The second I walked into their gorgeous home, I knew this was going to be a session that’s up there with my all time favorites. Their home has so much character and you can tell they pay so much attention to detail. Every inch of it was beautiful. And then there’s the family. You seriously couldn’t get a sweeter family. The girls are adorable and they are so loved. Nothing felt stressed. They just played, snuggled, and interacted with their parents like I wasn’t even there. I feel like an overshare is in order…

Seattle family photographer girls playing in playroom
Seattle family photographer girl playing on toy horse
Seattle family photographer, baby is held by mom
Seattle Lifestyle photographer family of four sits on blue couch at home
Seattle family photographer family of four
Seattle family photographer girl and mom touch heads and smile
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer family is playing on couch and laughing
Seattle family photographer  mom plays with daughters on swing
Seattle lifestyle photographer girls standing on blue couch
Seattle family photographer family sits on window seat
Seattle lifestyle photographer family of four sits on window seat
Seattle family photographer girl is hiding behind curtain
Seattle family photographer girl playing with indoor plants
Seattle family photographer family of four standing by art wall
Seattle lifestyle photographer family stands by fireplace
Seattle family photographer girl playing in living room
Seattle family photographer mom and daughter playing in bedroom
Seattle family photographer girl stands by window
Seattle family photographer girl eats ice cream while mom and sister look on
Seattle lifestyle photographer  mom and baby look in mirror

A Fun Family Session {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

One thing I love most about photographing families is walking into their home and witnessing the different vibe each family has. All families love their kids an insane amount, but the level of energy, the noise level, the fun, the quiet, it all varies so much, and as beautiful as I find a calm, peaceful session, a fun, energetic session is just as beautiful to me. This family is definitely a fun, laid back family. The second I walked in the door, the girls were chatting to me and eager to be photographed. They weren’t shy at all and they were more than happy to show me their fun personalities. One thing I’ve noticed though, is that even with the high energy kids, they still need cuddles during a session. At some point, they’re going to return to the arms of their parents, their safe space, and at that point, I’m always able to sneak in some snuggly shots. I hope you enjoy this fun session!

Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer

Holiday Petite Sessions {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

I’m so excited to offer these this year! These will be my only petite sessions offered all year so if you want one, let’s get you on the schedule today. These will take place on the afternoon of November 18th.


Where will these sessions be?

These sessions will take place in a bright and airy studio in Capitol Hill. The exact address will be sent in an informational email once all sessions are booked.

How long do sessions last?

These sessions are 15-20 minutes long, and will include a few different poses.

What is the purpose of these?

Most families book these to use for holiday cards.

How much are sessions?

Sessions are $200.

What is included in the price?

You will receive your session, 5 digital images, and a 40% off coupon for your holiday cards to my preferred vendor.

Do you have props?

My photography focuses on love and connection between family members, therefore, I do not feel like props are necessary. I will have a very simple green wreath that can be placed above the couch if you wanted.

What should we wear?

Whatever you’re comfortable in! Formal attire, jeans, holiday best…whatever you feel represents your family.

How do I book?

Contact me here and let me know you’re interested in a holiday session!

Calmness, giggles and a whole lot of love {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

I was so excited to photograph this family in their home earlier in the Spring. Little baby boy had recently made his arrival and while the weather was cold outside, this house was fill of warmth and love. Big sister had a ton of energy and was ready to be my new best friend the second I walked in the door. This lifestyle session had a perfect mix of energy and calm. There was jumping on the beds, but also plenty of cuddles. It was such an honor to photograph you all in your own space.

Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Newborn Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Newborn Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer

Mama, get in the picture {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}

This one is for the mamas. The memory keepers. The family historians.

You are the one who is behind the camera, capturing every milestone. The first step. The first time trying solid foods. The first day of school. The holidays. The birthdays. The first dance. Sports games. Big events. Little events. You capture it all. All but you. You’re so busy focusing on capturing them, that you forget to get in the frame too.

Pass the camera to Dad, set up a self timer, take a selfie on your phone, hire a professional, but please get in the frame, because you were there too. One day it’s all they’re going to have left. One day, your presence will be a memory. Give them something tangible. Something they can hold in their hands and look at while they remember your smell, your gentle hands, your soft spoken words. Show them how much you love them so they never forget.


Seattle Family Photographer
Seattle Family Photographer
Everett Family Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer

A Cozy At Home Photo Session {Seattle Family Photographer}

This is one of my favorite families! I photographed them in their home exactly one year before this latest session, when little Moses was a tiny newborn. There’s been a lot of change since then. He’s now one, the house has gone through a major remodel, and there may be an extra pet or two.

Seattle Family Photographer
Everett Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographers
Family Photographer Seattle
Seattle Home Photography
Seattle Family Photographer
Everett Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographers
Family Photographer Seattle
Seattle Home Photography
Seattle Family Photographer
Everett Photographer
Seattle Lifestyle Photographer
Seattle Family Photographers
Family Photographer Seattle
Seattle Home Photography
Seattle Family Photographer
Everett Photographer