It’s no secret that I adore Fresh 48 sessions. That brief hospital stay before they head home and the first milestone is reached. Everything is so new, and life seems to stop still and all that matters is you and that fresh little baby. Fresh 48 sessions require me to be on call, as most mothers only get twenty four hours in the hospital. The time of day and how much notice I’m given will determine what time I will get there. This little boy was less than two hours when I got to meet him. His mama desperately wanted me to film the moments that his three older brothers met him for the first time. It was such an honor to be able to do this for them. His two big brothers were clearly extremely excited to meet him. Their smiles said it all. Number three was still figuring out what was going on, but you know the four of them are going to be best buddies. I’m honored to share these images with you.
When to Schedule Your Lifestyle Newborn Session {Seattle Family Photography}
As a lifestyle newborn photographer, my goal is always to make your newborn photo session go as smoothly as possible. Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions:
How far in advance should I book my newborn session?
It is always best to book your newborn session when you are still pregnant. Knowing that babies are unpredictable and come when they’re ready, I will only book a certain amount of newborn sessions each month. We will pencil in your due date, and once baby arrives, you can let me know and we will narrow down the best date. Most moms book around the 6 month mark, however, if your baby is already here, please still reach out because I may have some availability.
How old should my baby be when we have the session?
The beauty of lifestyle sessions is that your baby doesn’t have to be sleeping for the session like most posed newborn photographers prefer. Posed photographers like to get babies in for the session in the first ten days as babies tend to sleep more in that time. For a lifestyle newborn session, it doesn’t matter if baby is a few days or a month old. I typically do in home newborn sessions in the first 2-3 weeks, but we can do it anytime in that first month. This is great if you’ve had a difficult recovery or if baby had a rough start.
How long does an in home lifestyle session take?
Sessions are relaxed and I never want you to feel rushed. I am typically at your house for about an hour and a half. If baby needs to take a break then we will do so. I don’t like to rush sessions so if we need longer than that, then I will stay longer.
What time of the day should we have our newborn session?
I will talk to you to best determine the time based on your families needs. Most sessions take place around 10am, but I am flexible if that doesn’t work for your family.
If you have any other questions or are ready to book, please get in touch. I can’t wait to chat with you.
A Beautiful Mother & Daughter Session {Lifestyle Photographer Seattle}
It’s not very often I shoot outdoors anymore. The majority of my sessions take place inside the family home, but every now and then, I’ll venture out into the great outdoors for a session.
I was happy to see these two again. I had last photographed them when the little girl was two years old, almost exactly two years ago. It’s crazy how much she has changed in those two years.
I hope you guys treasure these photos of you two. The love in them is abundant.
Why You Should Be Documenting Childhood {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}
So many family photographers pick up the camera for their first time following the birth of their first child. When you become a parent, you have this need to capture every little moment because you don’t want to forget any little detail. That’s how I got started in photography, and eight years later, I still love to document our daily life.
I used to be a writer. Growing up, I thought I’d end up writing in some capacity as an adult. My favorite classes were English and creative writing. I used to write all sorts of stories and poems and I would have notebooks upon notebooks of creative writing. Over time, I stopped writing for fun. I think somewhere between the political science and law essays, I lost my love for it. But then Charlie was born and I had this need to document life, as well as a need to create. I didn’t find my love for writing again, but something about documenting him through photographs spoke to me. I treat my photographs of my children as my love letter to them. I hope that when they look at their images when they’re grown up, they can feel the love I have for them. My hope is that when they look at all the little details I photograph, or the way I got down on their level to photograph them, that they see themselves the way I do. I hope that although I may have lost my way with writing, that I am able to express my love for them through photographs. I hope that their own children will look at these images and see what their childhood looked like.
Everything You Need to Know about Fresh 48 Sessions {Lifestyle Newborn Photographer}
When most people decide to book a newborn photographer, they think of either an at home lifestyle session, or a posed session in a studio. But have you ever considered having a lifestyle session in the hospital when baby is brand new? These sessions are commonly referred to as Fresh 48 sessions (because they take place in the first 48 hours of baby’s birth). Fresh 48s are increasing in popularity so I’m going to answer some questions you may have.
When should I schedule my Fresh 48 session?
Because there is limited time that you’re in the hospital, sessions need to be booked while you’re still pregnant.
When should I contact you?
I’d really appreciate a text while you’re in labor. You should assign your support person the job of sending me a quick text once you’re at the hospital and again, once baby is born. Depending on the length of your hospital stay, we will do the session on either day one or two.
What should baby wear?
I love Fresh 48 sessions where babies are dressed in hospital attire. The stay at the hospital is so short and they will never wear that hat or blanket again. Photographs with them wearing it make a beautiful memory of that time. I will also make sure I capture the little details like the umbilical cord stump and the hospital bracelets.
I’m not sure I want to be in pictures right after giving birth.
Trust me, no-one feels great about themselves post-birth. But this is one of the most special times in your life. You did the work and it should be celebrated. I promise I’ll photograph you in a flattering way.
How long do the sessions last?
Since you’ve just given birth and you’re likely extremely tired, I try to be in and out as quickly as possible. Although I don’t limit the amount of time I spend in the hospital rooms, most sessions are completed within 30 minutes.
How many images will I receive?
You will receive a minimum of thirty images. The session fee is $500 plus WA sales tax.
How do I book?
Email me here! Let me know your due date and where you’re delivering and I’ll get you on the schedule! I realize babies come whenever they’re ready but I do limit the amount of Fresh 48 sessions I take on each month so that I can be sure I make it.
Embracing Motherhood {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}
As a lifestyle photographer, there is nothing more beautiful to me than images of a mother with her babies.
We’ve all heard before about how mothers are rarely in images with their kids. We are the memory keepers, the family historians, and more than often than not, the photographers in the family, whether we’re professional photographers or not. It is so important that we are in images with our kids. We love them so much and one day that will be all they’ll have left of us. It’s so important that we give them a tangible gift that they can keep with them long after we’re gone.
It’s so easy to say that we’ll do it later. When we’ve lost weight, when we don’t look so tired, or when we have new, nicer clothing to wear. Just for a second, I want you to close your eyes. Think of an image you have of your mama. Do you care if she’s a few pounds overweight? Do you care if she has bags under her eyes? Do you care about what she’s wearing? Chances are, none of that matters. You see strength. You see beauty. You see yourself as a child when she was the only source of comfort you ever needed. Your children deserve those memories too. Now is always the right time. If you would like to preserve these memories for your kids, please send me a message. I’d love to chat with you.
I hope you enjoy these images of this lovely mama with her two sweet girls. These images were all captured within about 5 minutes, so if you think your kids won’t make it though a photo session, rest assured. Magic can happen in mere minutes.
Tips For A Beautiful Newborn Session {Lifestyle Newborn Photographer}
Your newborn has arrived, your photography session is booked, but now what? How do you best prepare for your lifestyle newborn session? Here are some ideas to make your session go as smooth as possible.
Feed your baby as often as needed
Your tiny newborn needs to eat frequently and their comfort is my number one priority. Please don’t ever feel pressured to rush the session. I will take as much time as needed to capture your family as you adjust to this new little life. Feel free to stop and feed your baby as often as needed. If you want shots of them feeding, I’ll happily take those for you.
Keep your house warm
Lifestyle newborn sessions are different from posed sessions in that the baby doesn’t have to be sleeping. In a posed session, the space has to be hot to help the baby fall into a deep sleep. For a lifestyle session, while the room doesn’t have to be hot, it’s nice to keep it warm especially if we are photographing the baby in just a onesie.
Keep baby in simple clothing
A swaddle or plain colored onesie is all that is needed. We want to show off the natural beauty of your newborn. It’s best to keep the clothing simple so the baby is the show stopper. I do have some beautiful onesies that I bring to newborn sessions if you don’t have any plain colored ones. I also have white kimono style shirts that look cute with a diaper. These allow us to photograph that cute little belly.
Plan on having the siblings participate
I treat newborn sessions very similar to family sessions. With the exception of doing a few individual shots of the baby alone, I include the whole family. I try to get sibling shots done at the beginning of the session so that they can go off and play once it’s done.
Relax and enjoy being with your family
The beauty of lifestyle sessions is that you can just relax and snuggle with your babies. I might ask you to gather on the bed, or stand in front of a window, but I’ll never pose you and ask you to smile. Sessions will be relaxed and as stress free as possible.
Why You Should Have a Lifestyle Session At Home {Seattle Family Photographer}
Lifestyle Family Sessions at Home
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I love to photograph families in their homes, the four walls in which they are most comfortable. If you’re here, you may be wondering if a lifestyle family session is for you. Here are my top reasons why I love photographing families at home.
Sessions can take place outside of the golden hour
Most photographers love shooting in the golden hour, that is the hour after sunrise, and the hour before sunset. I adore that time too, as it gives us the most beautiful and flattering light, however, it isn’t always possible with young kids. In the middle of summer, when the sun isn’t setting until after 9pm, it can be hard to keep kids not only awake, but happy at that hour. It is a lot easier to have an in home session at a time that works best for your family. The majority of my sessions start around 10am or 2pm, but I can always be flexible and come when it suits your family the most.
Your home contains items that can’t be found on a beach or in an open field
When I was photographing the family below, I saw this gorgeous chair and asked the mama to sit in it. While she was doing so, the dad told me that he bought that chair on the day that they met. Your house tells your story in a way that a public location can’t.
Your kids are more relaxed and in better moods in their own space
Most kids can take a while to warm up to new people and new locations. If they’re in their own space, the session often goes a lot smoother and we can be done faster.
You have put a lot of effort into your home and it should be celebrated
Most of the families I work with have spent a lot of time and money into creating a space that is uniquely theirs. You should be proud of the work you have put in and a photography session in your home not only celebrates your family, but the space you have put so much time and effort into.
Lastly, it’s the little things
I have so many things to list here but here are a few:
pets can be included
bare feet are welcome
no-one else is watching as you have your session
no need to travel long distances
At Home with a Beautiful Family of Four {Seattle Lifestyle Photographer}
I found this newborn session to be so fulfilling for me as an artist. Sometimes, I have a session that just seems to speak to me, and this was definitely one of those. The mood was relaxed and laid back. Nothing felt rushed or stressed. It was just like they were going about their new normal with two little ones, and I was just there to observe.
I had the honor of photographing Ezra as he made his entrance into this world. No kidding, that was the most amazing moment of my whole photography career. I wish I could photograph more births but the unpredictability plus having little kids myself, makes it nearly impossible. It is an experience I will cherish for a long, long time though. A couple of weeks later, I was thrilled to head back to their home to photograph the whole family as they adapted to a new family of four. It’s amazing how different the space felt after a couple of weeks had passed compared to two weeks earlier when he was born. There was still the same sense of peace and calm, but you could tell that the family had already adjusted and I’m sure it seems to them like little Ezra had always been there.
Big brother Soren was so sweet and talkative. We had some great conversations. Mainly about gorillas and shopping on Amazon :) Some of my favorite images are the ones where he is peeking in on baby brother as he lies in his bassinet. I adore capturing the connections between siblings at sessions and I always try to focus on that as much as parent/baby images.
It was such an honor to photograph this beautiful family again. I hope you enjoy these images.
If you’re ready to book your own newborn session, please contact me!
Welcoming Baby Number Three {Seattle Newborn Photographer}
Why I love Fresh 48 Sessions
Do you remember those early days in the hospital, when the whole world seems to stop and everything is focused on you and your new baby? Do you remember the flaky feet, umbilical cord stump, the hospital bracelets, the hats and blankets that are so unique to the hospital and the only time in your little one’s life that you’ll use them? Do you remember other people bringing you food, with all that time to sit back and enjoy that little babe? These few short hours in the hospital go by so quickly and before you know it, you’re packing up that sweet baby and heading home, and that first milestone has already passed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I would give anything to have that time back. That is why I love Fresh 48 sessions so much. Photographs are the perfect memory of such a fleeting time. A time when you’re exhausted and little things like the way that looked so tiny in the bassinet may be forgotten. When you start to forget, your photographs can always take you back to that time.
Meet Benji. This sweet little boy joins two big sisters who are equally as adorable. If you haven’t seen their family session from before Benji was around, you may want to go check it out. It’s one of my all time favorites. Benji, you are going to be so adored by your big sisters, and I know you’ll think the world of them too. Welcome to the world sweet boy.