What you Really Need for your Newborn Session {Everett Newborn Photographer}

The best part of a lifestyle newborn session is that we really don’t need a ton of stuff. We can use whatever you have in your house, but some families do choose to purchase some things for their newborn session. Some stuff can be bough locally in and around Seattle, but I’m going to post some links for you to book online. Here are my top recommendations for your lifestyle session.

A plain colored onesie or sleeper

I always recommend that babies are dressed in simple clothing for their newborn session. This keeps the focus on your sweet baby’s face, rather than their clothing. I recommend sleepers from Bonsie Baby. Plain colored onesies from Jamie Kay photograph beautifully.

Newborn baby sleeping in bassinet

Muslin Swaddles

Sometimes babies are a little fussy and swaddling them can work wonders, but it’s always nice to have one on hand that photographs well. SpearmintLove has a great selection. I also love the muslin quilts from Brixton Phoenix. They are larger than a typical swaddle so you will get plenty of use out of them.

Sleeping baby lying on bed

A place to sleep

Sleepy newborn photos are the sweetest and by placing them in their crib, you really get a sense for how tiny they are.

Seattle Newborn Photographer

A comfortable chair

One of my favorite images to take is of the parents rocking the baby in their arms. A comfortable chair is the ideal spot for this.

Newborn baby smiling while sleeping in mother's arms

As you can see, there isn’t really a ton of stuff that you need for your newborn session. I truly believe that a lifestyle session should be all about you, your new baby and your reality. We really don’t need props or anything else to create a beautiful gallery full of images you’re going to love. If you’re ready to book your newborn session, please contact me today.

A Final Farewell to A Beautiful Home {Everett Lifestyle Photographer}

I make no secret that my absolute favorite sessions occur inside your home. I was so honored when our friends and neighbors asked me to come photograph them inside their beautiful Northwest Everett home before they packed up and moved out of state. They have created this gorgeous home together and have had so many amazing memories in it. Children have been born here, they’ve had first days of school, birthday parties, first steps, lazy Saturday mornings, PTA meetings, renovations but mostly, there’s been a whole lot of love in these four walls.

Family gathered together in living room
Everett family posing in living area
Family cuddling together on couch
Dad and daughter are dancing while brothers and mom look at them
family gathered together in the kitchen
family gathered together on bed
family sitting on front porch of house

Welcoming a Sweet Baby Boy

Welcome to the world little Sebastian. It was an honor to take your newborn photos!

Black and white image of dad holding newborn baby boy
Mom and dad on couch holding newborn baby
Baby boy held in mom's arms
Sleeping newborn baby in mom's arms
Newborn baby sleeping on couch while dog sleeps on floor
Newborn baby boy asleep in dad's arms
Newborn baby asleep on couch

A New Family of Three {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

I photographed this sweet couple back in December while they were waiting for their sweet girl to arrive. It was so special getting to go back and photograph them now that they’re a family of three. Welcome to the world beautiful girl!

Newborn baby cuddles close against dad's chest
Newborn baby looking directly in camera
newborn baby feet
Newborn baby yawning
Mom and dad standing in doorway with newborn baby
Mom and dad rock with newborn baby
Baby girl is cradled in parents arms
Dad snuggling with newborn baby and their heads are touching
Close up of newborn baby's face
Newborn baby lying on couch
Newborn baby lying on couch while dog looks at baby
Mom cradling baby in her arms
Newborn baby asleep in dad's arms

Welcoming A New Baby Girl {Everett Newborn Photographer}

This sweet baby girl joined her family in February and as always, it was such an honor to be asked to capture them as they transition to a family of four.

Mom holding newborn baby girl
Family sitting on bed looking at newborn baby
Close up of big sister holding newborn's hand
Big sister looks at newborn baby on bed
newborn baby feet
birds eye view of newborn in parents arms
dad holding newborn baby girl
mom holding newborn baby in arms
Newborn baby asleep in crib
big sister looks at newborn in the crib
family lying on bed with newborn
sleeping newborn baby
mom lying on bed with newborn

Photographing Your Own Fresh 48 {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

I think we can all agree that these past two years have been tough. While it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, missing out on a Fresh 48 session that you were excited about, can be a bit of a downer. Today, I’m going to share some tips for you to take those image yourself in the hospital while photographers aren’t allowed in. I hope these will help you with photographing those early days until we can have your in home newborn session.

Tip One

Photograph the hospital items that you only see in those first couple of days. The little newborn hat and the hospital bracelets are only used for such a short time so make sure you get images of them while you can.

Fresh 48 session hospital bracelets and baby feet

Tip Two

Make sure you photograph them in the little plastic bassinet that they sleep in. This is so unique to your hospital stay so this is an image you’ll want to capture.

Newborn baby in hospital bassinet

Tip Three

As most hospitals are only allowing one guest, take turns photographing them in each other’s arms.

Mother is looking down on newborn baby in hospital
Dad is holding newborn baby in hospital

Tip Four

Use natural light. Turn off the hospital lights. They are never flattering and natural light will take your pictures to a different level. Shoot during the daylight and either shoot with the window behind your subject, or with the baby positioned so the light is hitting them from the side.

Tip Five

Don’t forget a close up of that sweet face and other little details like the tiny flakey feet.

Close up of newborn baby feet
Newborn baby in bassinet at hospital

Tip Six

Make sure you explore different angles. You don’t need to take a traditional portrait. Move all around the baby. You might surprise yourself with what you get.

Newborn baby in hospital bassinet

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions. If your hospital is allowing visitors and you’d rather not take images yourself, please contact me here.

Before & After {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

A fun little “before and after” image share of my own little one. The first photo is from when he was a newborn, and the second is from his first birthday. Have you ever tried to recreate a newborn photo?

Dad holding newborn baby in arms
Dad holding one year old in arms

Mentoring For Photographers {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

I am thrilled to start offering mentoring for photographers looking to start lifestyle newborn sessions! A mentoring session includes a hour chat to discuss how to run a lifestyle newborn session. After that, you’ll accompany me on a newborn session. You will watch how I shoot, have the opportunity to shoot yourself and you can ask me about any specific poses you’d like to learn. After the session, we’ll chat about editing and how to deliver a gallery that your clients will love. The cost is $900 plus WA sales tax. If you’d like to know more, please contact me today.

Photographer taking images of mother and newborn