What to Expect at Your Newborn Session

As one of the leading Seattle newborn photographers, my goal is to make sure your newborn session is as stress-free and relaxed as possible. After you’ve booked your newborn session, you may be wondering how the day of your session will go. Here’s what it will look like:

When I show up, I’ll ask that you take me on a quick tour of your home. This is to find where the best available light is. In Seattle, we can have lots of dark, gloomy days but I guarantee that there will be good light somewhere in your home. Most of the time, I’ll be looking in the main bedroom, nursery, and living room, but if there’s a good patch of light on your stairs, or in your kitchen, then we’ll likely use that space too.

Once I’ve identified the areas where the photo session will take place, I’ll gently guide you into a natural pose and have you interact with one another so that your images show your love and connection to your new little being. My general workflow (with a lot of flexibility) is whole family, siblings (if there are any), then I’ll have dad take siblings and focus on mom and baby and then baby alone, then mom and dad swap and I’ll photograph dad with baby, lastly, if we can steal a few moments from the siblings, I’ll photograph mom, dad, and baby together. I love to finish with a family portrait on the front porch if possible.

Sessions are entirely baby led so if baby needs a break, a diaper change, needs to feed, needs a swaddle etc, then they will get exactly what they need. While most sessions are done between one to one and a half hours, this will totally depend on your baby and their needs. I will never rush you or your baby.

I do recommend that you dress baby in a plain colored onesie or sleeper and have a swaddle or two on hand in case baby needs it. Try to pick swaddles that are either plain or have a pattern you love since you’ll be looking at your images over and over.

You don’t ever need to feel like you need to look and smile awkwardly for the camera. All you need to do is interact with your family and I’ll take care of the rest.

Before I arrive, you’ll want to make sure you are well fed. Nothing is worse than feeling hungry the whole time. Try to not put on your outfit until right before I arrive. Babies can have blowouts and spit up without much warning. Likewise, it’s a good idea to hold off on getting baby dressed until right before your session too. However, I do recommend dressing them before feeding them just in case they drift off to sleep during the feed so you don’t risk waking them.

I want you to tell me your stories. As a mother of four, I’ve been through lots of the same post partum experiences that you’re likely going through. I’ve had c sections, difficulties breastfeeding, easy recoveries, complications, and extremely rough recoveries. I’ve experienced sleepless nights and exhaustion, sibling rivalries, and self doubt. I’ve questioned myself multiple times when I’ve had to make yet another decision on the care of my children. So although I may be your newborn photographer, I’m also a great listener, sympathizer, and one of your biggest supporters. If you need a listening ear, I’m more than happy to take on that role.

Mom and dad cuddling with newborn baby

Is it Worth Having Maternity Photos Taken?

Most families know they want to have a newborn photography session but have you ever considered having a maternity session too? Here are my top reasons why I think you should have a maternity session.

This may be the last professional photos of just the two of you.

Once baby arrives, life is going to be all about your new little one. This may be the very last time you’ll have professional pictures of just the two of you.

It’s important to document this time in your lives

Once baby arrives, you’ll forget all the aches and pains, the movements, your body changing seemingly overnight, the small smiles you received from other women who have been in your shoes. One way to take you back to this time is through photographs.

It provides a great way to get to know your photographer before your newborn session

Those first few days of motherhood are raw, intimate, and emotional. When you have a maternity session first, we get to know each other so that when I arrive for your newborn session, it’s just like having an old friend visit and not some stranger when you’re feeling the most vulnerable.

Questions about having a maternity session? Let’s chat.

Close up of woman's pregnant belly

Best Seattle Area Photography Locations for Family Sessions

Now that you’ve booked your family photography sessions, you may be wondering what the best Seattle area location to have your photo session is. We are so lucky to live in Washington state with all its beauty, the options are endless. I’m going to list my favorite locations by three groups:

  1. Close

  2. Near

  3. Far


One of my favorite places to photograph families doesn’t get any closer than this - your own home! It’s no secret that I believe that the four walls in which you feel the most comfortable are the perfect backdrop for you family photo session. You don’t even need to put shoes on!

2. Near

If you want to stick to parks and beaches around Seattle, here are some of my favorites.

Discovery Park

This park has it all, views of the water, a forest area, wildflowers in the summer, a beautiful old church, a big open bluff area. It really is the perfect spot to photograph your family.

Richmond Park Beach

You would think all Seattle area beaches are alike, but for some reason, I just feel like this one photographs better than some others. There is a lot of driftwood to sit on or for kids to run and play on.

Pike Place Market

Want a fun and truly Seattle feeling photo session? Nothin says Seattle like Pike Place Market. I don’t recommend this location for active toddlers, but if you have babes in arms, or older kids, this is such a fun place to photograph your family.

3. Far

If you’re up for an adventure and want to explore somewhere else in Washington, I have some great locations.

Mt Rainier

Mt Rainier is an iconic part of the Washington landscape. Set about 2.5 hours from downtown Seattle, this is a truly epic location for your family photos. If you want a location your friends will be talking about, this is it!

Rosario Beach

Located in beautiful Deception Pass State Park, lies gorgeous Rosario Beach. With both a rocky beach with driftwood and trees that the light filters through, plus a gorgeous bluff area, there is a ton of opportunities for beautiful backdrops for your family photos.

Artist Point

Artist Point is a breathtaking spot with gorgeous views of Mt Baker and Mt Shuksan. It is located about 2.5 hours north of Seattle in Whatcom county. Yes, it’s far, but trust me, it will be worth it.

Family of three on beach in Deception Pass State Park

How Do I Prepare for my Family Photo Session

You’ve booked your family photography session but now you’re wondering what you can do to prepare for the big day. Whether you’re having your family photo session outdoors at one of the beautiful locations Seattle has to offer, or in the comfort of your own home, here are my top tips to make sure your photo day goes as smoothly as possible.

Make sure the kids are well rested

Your family photo session should be the big activity for your family that day. Try to make sure there aren’t any other big events such as birthday parties or zoo visits. You’ll want your kids to be happy and exhausted kids often mean cranky kids.

Have your wardrobe finalized about a week before

There’s nothing worse than trying on your outfit right before your session starts and realizing that something doesn’t fit. Aim to have everything finalized at least a week before your session. That way, if something doesn’t fit, you’ll have time to find a replacement.

Check for chipped nail polish

Trust me, it shows in pictures!

Don’t forget to eat before your session

Nothing makes kids (and adults) melt down quicker than a growling stomach. Have a light meal before your photo session, right before you get changed for it. This will keep the whole family happy.

Bring snacks

If you want to keep your kids going throughout the session, many parents like to have some snacks on hand. I recommend non-messy snacks such as gummies so they don’t stain the clothes.

Good things to have on hand

It’s great to have things like a hairbrush and baby wipes handy.


If you’ve been following my work at all, you know I’m not going to ask you to stand, smile and look awkward in front of the camera. Just love on your babies, play with them, snuggle with your partner, then let me handle the rest. All you need to do is show up as YOU!

If you’d like to know more about my sessions, take a look at my information page.

Family of three standing together in house window

Is Spring a Good Time for a Family Photo Session?

Spring is a wonderful season to have your family photography session here in Seattle. So many people believe that Fall is the best time, and while it is beautiful, here are my top reasons why I think you should try having your family photos done in Spring over the other seasons:

The sun sets at a more reasonable time

The sun in Seattle sets so late in the summer, meaning that your kids have to be kept up late. Kids typically handle it fine, but if you’d rather not keep them up so late, a Spring session may be just what you’re looking for.

The weather is normally nice, but not too hot or cold

Last year, I did back to back family sessions on the hottest day of the year in King County. Not only was I sweating, but so were my families. In Spring, you can wear a cute dress and bring a pretty cardigan if you need an extra layer. You will have more fun during your session if you’re not sweating or freezing.

Your photographer won’t be completely booked up

Everyone wants family photos in the Fall, but the Spring isn’t as popular. The chance of getting the date you want is higher if you book your family photo session in the Spring. Which brings me to my next point:

If it does rain, you’ll have more chance of getting a new date sooner rather than later

Almost all photographers are booked solid in the Fall, but if you have your photography session in the Spring and you need to reschedule, your photographer likely has much more availability.

High chance of flowers

I’m never going to promise flowers with the unpredictable weather patterns we have in Seattle, but if you love flowers, Spring might be the best option for your session.

I would be so honored to photograph your family this spring. Please take a look at my portfolio and if you think we’d be a great match, let me know!

Family of four standing in wildflowers during family photography session at Discovery Park

Why Lifestyle Photography?

How I Became a Lifestyle Photographer

When I first started photography, I used to scroll Pinterest and Instagram looking for the perfect poses, the ones that I thought everyone wanted and expected. I would nervously show up to family sessions with a mental list of every pose I thought I had to get. I would leave a photography session either with pride that I had captured what I needed, or I’d be kicking myself for not getting everything on my list. I ran my photography business like this for a while and to be honest, it was exhausting. Family and newborn sessions stressed me out, but photographing my own family was a completely different story.

In January of 2015, I did a workshop all about lifestyle photography. It changed the way I photographed my children. Instead of stressing about them being perfectly dressed and perfectly posed, I started to photograph them exactly as they were, and not only did I see a huge improvement in my photography, but I started to love and treasure the moments I was capturing for my family. Below is the first photo I took during that workshop. Nothing amazing, just a quiet moment captured in an unposed and natural way.

I felt happy with my personal work but I was still trying to be a “perfect” photographer when it came to my family and newborn sessions. I knew there was a huge disconnect there but I didn’t quite see what it was. Slowly, after lots of workshops, a ton of photography sessions, and a whole lot of soul searching, I realized that I needed to relax more when I photographed families and newborns. I needed to forget about perfection and focus on the love and connection between family members. Once that happened, my whole approach to family sessions changed and I was able to start enjoying paid sessions as much as my personal shooting. Still photographing outdoors at beaches and fields, I was happy with the direction my photography was moving, but there was something missing. I realized how much I enjoyed in home lifestyle sessions. I noticed how much personality was in a family’s home and how much more comfortable the kids (and often the parents) were in their own space. I saw the beauty in a family’s space and felt like I needed to show a family the beauty that I see in them. Back in 2018, I nervously made the decision to switch over to a mainly in home lifestyle business model (don’t worry, I still do a handful of outdoor family sessions in the warmer months). I posted a couple of model calls for in home sessions to build my portfolio, and announced on social media that I was making the switch. I felt like I was going to lose a ton of families, but the response has been better than I could have imagined. People seem to have realized the benefit of not trekking for ages to get to an epic location, they realized that there is so much beauty in their every day and that it should be celebrated. They’ve realized that there is no better backdrop than the four walls in which they are most comfortable.

I have lots of resources if you’d like to learn more about an in home photography session like when is the best time or why I think you should have an in home session.

Family of four sitting on couch during family photography session
Family of five in kitchen during Seattle family photography session

My Top Tips for Traveling to a Warm Weather Destination with your Family

Spring Break is almost here!

Yes, I know I’m a photographer and that is what I’m best at, but if there’s anything I love as much as I love photography, it’s traveling with my family. As many of my photography clients are gearing up for Spring Break, I’d like to share my top tips for traveling to your warm weather destination.

Tip One - Take the overnight flight

Yes, I know, there are many who will disagree with me but overnight flights are the way to go for our family. All four of my kids sleep better on the plane than they do at home and it allows us to arrive to our destination in time to change, take a quick swim, have an early dinner, go to bed at a reasonable hour, then wake up refreshed and ready to go on the first full day of vacation.

Tip Two - Take a portable clothesline:

When you’re heading somewhere warm, you’re more than likely going to be wearing a lot of swimsuits. We travel with a portable clothesline that we set up on our balcony to dry the swimsuits so the kids always have a dry one available.

Tip Three - Go for the All Inclusive

All Inclusives are fantastic for families. Got a picky eater? Order something new if they don’t like the first option. Got a foodie? No need to worry about them ordering the most expensive item on the menu. You can let them try new things. On our last trip to the DR, my kids discovered virgin pina coladas. An all inclusive resort is a great place to try new foods and drinks.

Tip Four - Don’t Pack too much into your Vacation

Heading to a tropical destination normally involves a whole lot of pool/beach time and relaxation time. We try to limit the amount of excursions to two for each week of vacation. This allows you to still get out and explore a new place, but it also gives you plenty of time to relax and enjoy taking a breather.

Tip Five - Travel with Carry On Only

When you’re heading somewhere warm, this is an easy one. You don’t need to carry winter coats or boots so you should be able to fit everything in your carry on. We have our kids take a carry on each and we will split the baby’s stuff between all of our luggage. For a week each kid packs two swimsuits, two pairs of shorts, two t-shirts, one pair of nice pants and a polo (for fancy dinners), a hoodie, and two pairs of pajamas.

Two kids playing on beach by Amy Louise Photography
Child drinking pineapple slushy in the sunshine
Child drinking out of coconut on beach by Amy Louise Photography
Bellevue family photographer image of child in floatie in swimming pool

How Should I Dress My Baby for a Newborn Photo Shoot

Black and white image of dad holding baby boy during newborn photography session

Now that you’ve booked your newborn photography session, you may be wondering how to dress baby. Here are some of my top ideas for baby’s outfit.

A plain colored sleeper:

If you want to keep it simple, a plain colored sleeper is perfect. These are great for the colder months as baby will stay warm and comfortable. I adore Bonsie Baby. They have a great range of colors and the front opening makes them fantastic for skin to skin. I used these for my youngest baby and highly recommend them for every day wear as well as for your newborn session. Colors that photograph well include oat, peony, fog, and avocado.

A plain colored onesie:

For your summer babies, you may want to dress them in a plain onesie. You can pick these up almost anywhere. Pinks, greys, light blues, and creams are all beautiful options for newborn pictures.

If you want something a little more fancy:

I absolutely love the clothes from Jamie Kay. They have the cutest little bloomers and onesies, as well as knit overalls and cardigans. If you are doing an outfit like this for your newborn photos, it’s really important to make sure it fits your baby well and isn’t oversized. When outfits are too big, they can take swallow the baby. We still want your beautiful baby to be the focus during your photography session.

You should have a swaddle on hand for your baby’s session

I personally love the quilts from Brixton Phoenix. The are larger than a typical swaddle and there are many beautiful prints.

Keep your home colors in mind while dressing baby:

If you’re going to display your photos fro m your newborn session (and you should), you’ll want to keep your home’s decor in mind. This is why neutrals are so great.

The most important thing is to keep in simple. You baby is so beautiful, more beautiful than any outfit so let’s focus on that sweet face, rather than what they’re wearing.

Baby asleep in dad's arms during newborn photography session
Newborn boy asleep while mom holds him during newborn photo session in Seattle
Dad holding a sleeping baby during Everett newborn photo session
Newborn asleep on mom's lap during baby photography session in Bellevue